quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Time to surrender

I don't think I can do anything more than what I've done. I've told you everything I feel, I made it pretty clear what I want, I told you how much I miss you, I even said I think this is a stupid situation. It's all up to you now. And I told you that too.
So why am I always waiting? Waiting for a sign, a "hi", a reason to believe your "i love you", something that tells me you do want the same thing as I do. Why? It's been a long time. Have you realized how long it's been? A long time. I'm tired of waiting, I'm tired of having to wait at all... I guess it's been even a longer time since I've been a priority.
Guess I should take a clue. Guess I should just let it be. Let it go. Let you go.
Sure, it's going to hurt all over again, but you're taking so long it might be a little bit easier now... Maybe I should just be happy with having you as my friend and just getting over the fact that's all we're gonna be now. Maybe.
I wish you'd just pick up the freaking phone. and give me a call. Something along the lines of "do you wanna go out tomorrow?". That would be lovely. That would make me smile. But I should stop daydreaming. It's not happening. Too bad.
Guess it's time to give up, it's time to surrender.

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