sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

Fun Couples

Me recusando a fazer meus deveres de matemática atrasados, abri o e fiquei um bom tempo rindo com as histórias. Até que me deparei com a seguinte:

"Four years ago, when i was 18, i noticed that at night my front window is very reflective so i was pretending to dive in slow motion and shoot, dual pistol style. Suddenly a really hot girl walked past and i was startled and fell over. Embarrassed i waited for a bit and then stood up. As i stoop up i saw her slowly shooting an imaginary rifle from behind a car. We then proceeded to do this for 10 minutes until she did an extremely dramatic death. She wasn't getting up so i went outside to meet her. Once i got to where she was, there was nothing but a piece of paper with a mobile number on it. Today, we are getting married. MLIA"

I like them. Extremely cute. Congratulations, I guess.

Um comentário:

C. disse...

você me viciou em MLIA. Obrigada por isso, quando eu tenho lição de matemática pra fazer. haha